A contract with non-negotiable terms and conditions is known as a contract of adhesion. It is also called a standard form contract or a boilerplate contract. In this type of contract, one party exhibits complete control, and the other party agrees to the standardized terms.

An adhesion contract is a take-it-or-leave-it contract offered by a party to another on a non-negotiable basis. Here’s how it works:

  1. The business (first party) presents the adhesion contract to the consumer/client (second party).
  2. The consumer or client accepts the contract by signing or clicking “agree.”
  3. The adhesion contract becomes a binding agreement between the two parties.

Let us now look at the typical characteristics of contracts of adhesion. 

Characteristics of Contracts of Adhesion

These key facets generally characterize an adhesion contract:

  • Standardized terms: The terms and conditions of an adhesion contract are pre-drafted. 
  • Asymmetrical power: One party has more control over the contract’s terms than the other. 
  • Non-negotiable terms: The second party cannot modify or negotiate the contract’s terms. 
  • Imposed terms: One party imposes the contract on the other party. 

Now that we know the essential attributes of contracts of adhesion, let’s examine some examples.

Common Examples of Contracts of Adhesion

Contracts of adhesion are commonly used in various scenarios, ranging from day-to-day dealings to business transactions. They enable businesses to clearly outline terms and conditions and effectively manage their high volume of contracts. Here are some of the instances where adhesion contracts are widely put in use:

  • Loan Agreements: These contracts are provided by banks and financial institutions, and borrowers have to agree to the predetermined terms and conditions, such as repayment schedules. 
  • NDAs: Non-disclosure agreements are essential to several businesses and are typically non-negotiable. 
  • Insurance Policies: Health insurance, life insurance, auto insurance policies, etc., are standard adhesion contracts of insurance issued by insurance providers, and policyholders must accept the terms without negotiation. 
  • Website User Agreements: Some websites require users to accept their terms of use, disclaimers, and privacy policies to access the site. 
  • Lease Agreements: In these agreements, one party agrees to use the property owned by another party for a fixed period without room for negotiation. 
  • Software Licenses: When installing software, the user typically agrees to a license agreement without being able to negotiate its terms. 
  • Online Services: Contracts for online services such as social media require users to agree to terms and conditions before using the service. 

Contracts of adhesion are widely used across industries and businesses and play an essential role in their operations.

Importance of Contracts of Adhesion For Businesses

Contracts of adhesion are essential for organizations across industry segments, and effectively managing them is important for seamless transactions and operations. They are crucial for businesses as they help them achieve the following in their contractual relationships:

  • Standardization: Businesses can easily standardize their terms and conditions using adhesion contracts. These contracts streamline the contracting process and reduce the need for individually negotiated contracts for each customer or client. 
  • Contract Consistency: Organizations must ensure their contracts are fair, compliant, and transparent. Adhesion contracts ensure consistency in the terms and conditions presented to the other party and minimize the risk of errors. 
  • Increased Efficiency: As adhesion contracts are standardized, they can be pre-drafted and templatized. This saves businesses time and resources when creating and negotiating contracts for every transaction. 
  • Cost Reduction: Using standard adhesion contracts also helps businesses reduce the cost associated with legal personnel for negotiations. 
  • Scalability: Adhesion contracts make it easy for businesses to scale their operations as they can easily replicate the same terms across multiple transactions in large volumes. 
  • Protection: Contracts of adhesion can include protection clauses for businesses, such as limiting liability and non-disclosure provisions, safeguarding IP rights and sensitive information, and enhancing security. 

Contracts of adhesion give businesses several advantages while forming new relations with partners and clients. However, they can present many challenges if managed ineffectively. 

Challenges Associated With Manual Adhesion Contract Management

Contracts of adhesion are used across various industries and organizations. However, managing them through manual contract management methods poses several problems to businesses: 

  • Legacy System Limitations: A major issue is the limitation of existing systems of managing contracts on physical documents and paperwork, which can be outdated, inflexible, and expensive to maintain. These systems are difficult to keep up with when business needs are constantly changing and lead to inefficiencies in the management and execution of contracts of adhesion. 
  • Lack of Standardization: Without the availability of standard contract templates, contracts become inconsistent and can lead to increased risk, errors, and disputes. The lack of standardization also delays the contract drafting process. 
  • Limited Visibility: Tracking contract status and updates become cumbersome, and traditional contract management systems do not provide real-time visibility into contract metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs), which can lead to challenges in making informed contract decisions. 
  • Errors in Contract Data: Manual methods also increase the likelihood of errors in contract data. Inaccurate or incomplete information, inconsistent data formatting, and difficulties updating contract data all increase the risk of disputes and non-compliance.
  • Data Security Concerns:  Outdated methods often fail to provide sufficient protection for sensitive contract data, leaving businesses vulnerable to unauthorized access, data breaches, and reputational damage.
  • Slow Execution Workflows: Manual processes also slow down the contract execution workflow. Contract drafting, review, and approval take longer, and signature collection and verification are delayed. This leads to delays in contract execution and implementation.
  • Contract Risk Management: Using outdated methods also compromises effective contract risk management. Identifying potential risks and liabilities becomes challenging, and monitoring contract obligations is inadequate. This increases exposure to financial losses and reputational damage.

To overcome these challenges, companies require an advanced solution that can help them manage adhesion contracts precisely. Businesses can streamline their contract of adhesion with the help of CLM of Contract Lifecycle Management software.

How Does Contract Management Software Help Businesses Manage Contracts of Adhesion Effectively?

While adhesion contracts offer standardization, they also present challenges and risks, if managed incorrectly. Effective management of these contracts is crucial to minimize them, ensure compliance, and drive business growth. Contract Lifecycle Management Software is a powerful tool that helps businesses streamline adhesion contract management.

SignDesk’s Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) software – Contr.act, offers a robust framework for effectively managing adhesion contracts, enabling companies to maximize efficiency and reduce potential liabilities. 

Transitioning to CLM enables companies to optimize adhesion contract management and mitigate potential risks like unforeseen obligations. 

Below are the functionalities of CLM that help businesses manage contracts of adhesion with ease: 

How Contr.act Helps Businesses Manage Adhesion Contracts Effectively

  • Template Management: Contr.act enables businesses to create, manage, and update standardized contract templates, ensuring consistency across all adhesion contracts.
  • Clause Library: Businesses can maintain a library of standard, pre-approved clauses they can insert into their adhesion contracts. 
  • Automated Workflow: Contr.act automates the contract review and approval process, streamlining the workflow and reducing the risk of delays or oversights.
  • Version Control: Contr.act tracks contract changes, enabling businesses to maintain a clear history of updates and revisions.
  • Obligation Management: Businesses can monitor and track contractual obligations on the CLM platform and ensure parties meet their commitments.
  • Compliance Management: CLM software ensures adhesion contracts comply with regulatory requirements, industry standards, and internal policies. 
  • Electronic Signatures: eSign integration in Contr.act enables quick and instant execution of adhesion contracts. 
  • Contract Analytics: Contr.act provides insights into contract performance, enabling businesses to identify trends and optimize adhesion contract terms.
  • Centralized Repository: Businesses can store all adhesion contracts in a single, searchable repository, facilitating easy access and tracking.
  • Data Security: SignDesk’s solutions comply with several data security standards, including GDPR, SOC2 Type ll, and ISO 27001:2022, and offer industry-best data security to secure sensitive data in adhesion contracts. 

Now that we know the various features and functionalities CLM offers to streamline adhesion contracts, let us explore the benefits it offers for businesses.

Benefits CLM Offers by Streamlining Contracts of Adhesion

Integrating contract management software into their workflows offers businesses numerous benefits when it comes to streamlining contracts of adhesion. Here is a breakdown of the benefits:

  • Reduced Contract Processing Time: Implementing CLM reduces contract turnaround time, enabling faster contract creation, collaboration, and execution. Businesses can process their adhesion contracts more efficiently with CLM.
  • Decreased Contract Errors: Businesses can utilize standardized, pre-approved contract templates and access a library of frequently used contract clauses during drafting to decrease contract errors and save time and resources. Moreover, it ensures contract accuracy, minimizing the risk of disputes, litigation, and financial losses. 
  • Enhanced Contract Visibility: CLM offers contract status tracking, real-time performance insights, reports, an analytical dashboard, and audit trails to improve contract transparency and visibility.
  • Advanced Contract Security: CLM enhances the security of adhesion contracts by providing capabilities like role-based access control, change tracking and version control features, legally binding eSignatures, and a centralized and secure repository. 

Let us look at how CLM further streamlines contracts of adhesion and enables businesses to simplify their contract workflows.

Manage Contracts of Adhesion Efficiently With SignDesk CLM Software

Effective management of adhesion contracts is crucial for businesses to minimize risks, ensure compliance, and maximize efficiency. SignDesk CLM offers an advanced CLM solution to optimize adhesion contract management. By implementing Contr.act, businesses can:

  • Standardize contract templates
  • Automate approvals and workflows
  • Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Streamline contract execution and management
  • Gain valuable insights into contract performance

By leveraging SignDesk CLM, businesses can confidently manage their adhesion contracts, reduce potential liabilities, and focus on driving growth and success.

Embrace the power of smart contract management and transform your adhesion contract management with SignDesk. Book a free demo to see how Contr.act can take your contract workflows to the next level.